Mandarin Summer Camp in Woodford Green

If you're seeking a vibrant and secure environment for your child to quickly boost their Mandarin skills, look no further! Our summer camp is a gateway to the world's most widely spoken language, designed to enhance Mandarin proficiency through a mix of traditional classes and immersive activities in art, games, and sports. Perfect for complete beginners and those with some level of Mandarin, our camp offers a unique, inclusive experience.

With bilingual teacher and teaching assistant leading the way, every child, regardless of their starting level, is welcomed into a summer of linguistic and cultural immersion without the need to travel abroad. This is an exceptional opportunity to surround your child with the target language, offering hours of practice and exposure right here.

Chinese Summer Camp
Chinese Summer Camp

Holiday Camp 2024

Tuesday 27- Friday 30th August (26th August is Bank Holiday Monday)


£55 per day for a full week booking
£60 for a single day booking

Extended hour:
8.30am-3.30pm £10 per day extra

Becket Centre, St Thomas of Canterbury Church
557-559 High Rd, Woodford, Woodford Green IG8 0SG

Children ages 5-11, from beginners to native speakers, are organised into groups based on both age and proficiency level.

Summer Camp Timetable - August 2024 Monday to Friday

8.30-9.00 Early Drop off 早托
9.00-10.00 Mandalingo Theme Topic Lesson 主题中文课 (听说) (Listening and speaking)
10.00-10.20 Snack time - 零食时间
10.20-11.00 Outdoor Play Time- 户外活动
11.00-12.00 Mandalingo Themed Topic Activities - 主题中文课(读写) (Reading & Writing)
12.00-13.00 Lunch break - 午餐时间
13.00-14.00 Chinese traditional sports activities and games - 中式体育活动和游戏时间 老狼老狼几点了?老鹰捉小鸡,踢毽子、丢手绢等
14.00-14.50 Themed Arts and Craft 艺术与手工
14.50-15.00 Wrap up, chill out time
15.00-15.30 Late pick-up 晚托