About MandaLingo

Mandalingo Chinese School is an independent language school that offers authentic, fun and interactive mandarin lessons for children from Chinese and non-Chinese families.

We offer online and offline classes from September 2023.

Traditional passive ways of learning Mandarin are sometimes very effective, but we believe that the main purpose of studying a language is to be interactive, immersive and fun and be able to communicate effectively and naturally in everyday life.

Studies show that learning Chinese at an early age will help with the child's brain development and pronunciation as Mandarin is a tonal language.

We believe in the importance of building a solid foundation for your child, and motivation is the key in learning the language. Our lessons are conducted in an immersive learning environment with innovative and interactive teaching methods.

When children are motivated in learning the language, they could easily work towards their YCT, HSK or GCSE. MandaLingo is here to assist you and your children along the journey.

More about our teacher






当孩子们对汉语学习有了足够的兴趣后,他们便会更容易更主动地去接受更多的挑战,比如参加中国汉办组织的汉语水平考试 YCT, HSK, 或者英国的GCSE考试。满格汉语学校诚挚地希望在您孩子学习汉语的过程中能提供最专业的教学服务并一路相伴。